Call me so that we can start this PROJECT in your area....1-312-532-3594
This Alternative Online / Offline Vocational Skills Training & Blended Learning Class Project. Should Be Included In:
Community Block Clubs, Park District Classes, Church Youth Projects, Boys & Girls Clubs. Sy Will Arrange To Get This Unique And Important Class At Your Location Or Facility,
If You Leave Your Message At: 312-532-3594.
Remember, Nothning Will Happen If You Don't Pick Up The Phone, Right Now And Call Me.
And That's Really Where The Problem Continues.....To Many People In Our Community Will See An Imporatnt Solution Oriented Program Like This And They, Simply Dismiss It. And Then They Will Cry That No One Is Doing Anything! Go Figure!
This vocational skills training class / project will allow lots of young people & young homeowners as well, too download Sy's clear, easy to follow voice of experience directly into their mp3's and to listen closely to his instructions while they do the painting themselves.... As he guides them thru to a practical step by step procedure in the same way that he would perform the house painting project, if he were doing it himself!
Sy Bounds is one of the last remaining 'old-timer', house painters. When you listen to Sy, about painting inside or outside of a property. You will save all kinds of time, extra effort and non-essential tools and material.
If you want Sy to explain and guide the youth in your
community such as:
Block Clubs, Boys & Girls Clubs, Church Youth Groups, Community Centers, Park District locations, you should call 312-532-3594.There are few excuses not to try and recommend a portion of the youth in your neighborhood not to follow these profoundly earnest, decent skills that I will share with them.
As I have said many times before. The whole world sees how we talk about these kinds of things, but few have bothered to utilize the unique skills training information, that I have provided to Chicago's African-American community for over 20 years.
And there is no excuse that so many young low-skilled people, should remain so uninformed. If you honestly are trying to think of a plan to help some of our youth. It is nearly beyond comprehension that you would not direct them to this project.
And for those who say that this effort is to small, that it's a waste of time. I would respond in this way. If only a few of my people would just quit standing by to watch me fail, and send me some youth instead. Then and only then will we begin to have a real impact. But I can tell you this....There is still much work to do, if we but explain, train and provide some kind of service to our community.
Call me and let's work together to improve the community where you live. 1-312-532-3594
(1) If you're a young person who really wants to learn how to go out in the community and start doing....minor repair, clean-up, a little home maintenance, housepainting and stuff like that.
Then here's what you need to do!
I have developed & recorded a series of Mp3 audio clips & instructions that will allow you to actually do some of these skills or start a small part-time home-maintenance service After you've listen to my instructions.
I will list the various skill topics below, next. And they will be available for you on...Mp3 for download. Based on the response of particulatr skill topics, I will continue to record further. I will ad on, update audios perodically.
You can communicate, ask me questions by email.....
I will try an keep most audio downloads topics at a cost of $10 per audio clip. Each topic will probably last around 5 minutes. And because of Mp3 / Ipod technology, you can replay my instructions as you're actually doing the work.
Now, before I post the list of topics, following this memo.Know this!
I've been trying for years to get many institutions in the community to help me get this information to urban youth. And I must inform you straight up, that few thought that you would be interested!
I have always believed otherwise. We shall see!
(2) Audio Clip Topics:
- Series on types of brushes.....$5.00
- Interior Painting Preparation Techniques.....$5.00
- Spring Painting Project Ideas.....$5.00
- How-to clean / Prepare your deck.....$5.00
- How-to stain / Waterproof your deck.....$5.00
- How-to properly and correctly paint tne interior of your house.....$5.00
- How-to select / indentify renovation / decorating tools.....$5.00
- The importance of technique.....$5.00
- Auddio-lecture on 'The culture of painting & decorating.....$5.00
- Exploring / researching related websites.....$5.00
- Quotable: Sy Bounds.....$5.00
- How-to strip / refininsh paint from trim / doors.....$5.00
- How-to properly remove old wallpaper.....$5.00
- How-to prepare your house ( exterior section ) to paint.....$5.00
- How-to prepare your house ( interior section ) to paint.....$5.00
- How-to skimcoat or feather your walls.....$5.00
- How-to properly prepare (1) room to paint.....$5.00
- How-to properly paint (1) room ( start to finish ).....$5.00
- How-to repair broken / cracked plaster on wall / ceilings.....$5.00
- This week's project / class discussion.....$5.00
- How-to select the right type of paint
Sharing various tips / short-cuts, that I learned along the way.....$5.00 - More tips / short-cuts, that I learned along the way.....$5.00
- Culturally designed painting / renovation project designs / ideas. What does this mean?.....$5.00
- Why you should view all that you are learning here in the context of 'residential home-maintenance'.....$5.00
- Exploring / explaining ( Afro-centric color combinations.....$5.00
- How-to repair 'old garages'. ( This is a profitable skill in itself ).....$5.00
- How-to repair broken / rotten wood on old stairs and porches.....$5.00
- Discussing / explaining 'The art / skill of plaster repair', faux finish styles. stucco application ( repairs ) etc......$5.00
- Tool / discussion / definitions / practical applications.....$5.00
- Staff support: Explanations..Do's and don't's.....$5.00
- How-to build your painting & decorating using the internet.....$5.00
- How-to stay abreast of the painting / decorating industry on the internet.....$5.00
- The information that you need. To get started in your own 'residential home-maintenance business', on the internet.....$5.00
- The basic tools that you need and must have to 'start your own decorating ( residential home maintenance business ).....$5.oo